
The Royal Society for Public Health, UK, presents an arts and wellbeing conference in Portland Place, London on 9 February 2012.

Throughout the UK, health professionals and creative artists have worked together for over 25 years in using the arts to support healthcare and health promotion. Given the current uncertainties over reforms to the NHS and public health, and the Big Society agenda, it is timely to examine the achievements of arts and health collaborations to date and look forward to new challenges and opportunities. Speakers will look at the growing evidence-base for the value of involvement in creative activity for wellbeing and health – both in the UK and internationally. Workshops will provide opportunities for participants to learn about current arts for wellbeing projects from leading arts for health practitioners.

Who should attend?

This conference will be of interest to directors of public health, public health specialists, health service commisioners, health professionals in mental health services, local authority arts development officers, third sector organisations, arts organisations and community development professionals.

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