artsandhealth.ie invites applications from arts and health practitioners for a bursary to produce a short film that documents an arts and health project / programme with a view to encouraging high quality, creative documentation of arts and health practice nationally. Arts and health practitioners include artists working in healthcare settings, healthcare professionals, and arts and health partnerships. The deadline for applications is Friday, 10 May 2013.
Given the nature of arts and health practice, particularly around the confidentiality of health service users, much of it happens behind closed doors and there are challenges in terms of making the process and outcomes of this work public. With this in mind, the Waterford Healing Arts Trust (WHAT) partnered with Create in 2012 to deliver a continuing professional development workshop for artists working in healthcare settings entitled ‘Documenting Arts and Health’. WHAT and Create also hosted follow up clinics for individual artists.
A resource pack produced from this initiative which offers guidelines in terms of ethically documenting practice through a range of media was produced and made available on artsandhealth.ie (see https://www.artsandhealth.ie/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Resource-Pack.pdf). Other useful resources regarding documentation are available on artsandhealth.ie such as the Arts Council’s guidelines for taking and using images of children and young people in the arts sector: https://www.artsandhealth.ie/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/AC-Guidelines-for-taking-and-using-images-of-children-and-young-people-in-the-arts-sector.pdf
This bursary, which is being made available through a process of open competition, marks the next stage in this initiative towards improved documentation of arts and health practice.
This artsandhealth.ie bursary is funded by the Arts Council and the Cork Arts and Health Programme, HSE South.
A bursary of €3000 will be made available to the successful applicant for the production of a short film that documents an arts and health project / programme.
Eligibility Criteria
Anyone responsible for delivering/co-delivering an arts and health project / programme in the Republic of Ireland, in keeping with artsandhealth.ie’s definition of arts and health, may apply (see www.artsandhealth.ie/about/what-is-arts-and-health).
Who can not apply?
Projects / programmes managed directly by the Waterford Healing Arts Trust or managed directly by members of the Editorial Panel of artsandhealth.ie cannot apply.
Criteria for selection
The criteria for selection are:
Preference will be given to projects / programmes that have not previously been and would not otherwise be documented through the medium of film.
The bursary will be made available from 4 June 2013 and it is expected that the final film will be completed and submitted to artsandhealth.ie by 31 July 2014.
Application Procedure
Please download and complete this application form.
The application form includes a list of FAQs for prospective applicants.
Please submit the following with the application:
Submissions should be sent by email to info@artsandhealth.ie by Friday, 10 May at 12 noon.
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