
The 3rd Global Conference: Body Transformations will take place in Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom from Saturday 30 August – Monday 1 September 2014.The conference seeks to explore the many layers and levels of bodies, and the ways in which bodies can transform and shift. We want to explore the whole array of bodily functions, stations, failures, alterations, concepts, abilities and disabilities, and awareness; external and internal.

Call for Presentations
The following presentation formats are welcomed:

  • papers, panels, workshops, reports
  • case studies
  • performance pieces; dramatic readings; poetic renditions; short stories; creative writings
  • works of art; works of music

We are particularly interested in presentations that explore the physicality of existence, including, but not limited to:

  • The physicality of change, such as aging, shapeshifting, reconstructive surgery, transplants, hybridity, death and dying, genetic manipulation, abilities and disabilities, and growth, mutants (and perhaps even superheroes).
  • Race, sex, and gender, including issues of bio-identity, transgender identity, virginity, desire, pleasure, and asexuality
  • Embodiment and disembodiment, including animate and inanimate bodies, avatars, the metaphysical, spirit and the body, liminality, solitude and companionship.
  • Body horror, including parasites, wounds and injury, infection and contagion, the politics of bio-power, pain, abjection, and violence.

Presentations, performances and papers will be accepted which deal with related areas and themes. The Steering Group particularly welcomes the submission of pre-formed panel proposals.

For further details on what to submit, please visit:


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