
Image shown: Image shown: Animals - New South Glasgow Hospitals Graphics Project (Alison Unsworth) 2014

Helium Arts in partnership with Create are hosting seminars on Art and Design Strategies in Healthcare with Jackie Sands (Arts & Health Improvement Senior with the NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde) and Vicky Charnock (Arts Coordinator at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool) in Dublin and Cork this June. 

With speaker Jackie Sands and Vicky Charnock
Date: 16 June, Monday
Time: 10:30-12:30
Venue: Create, 2 Curved Street (Filmbase Building), Dublin 2

With speaker Jackie Sands
Date: 17 June, Tuesday
Time: 11-12:30pm
Venue: Cork University Hospital, Wilton, Cork

The seminar will focus on the importance of early integration and planning strategies in the design of new healthcare facilities. The two guest speakers will outline and share their experiences in a variety of hospitals and healthcare settings, involvement in capital programmes and conditions for building arts and health within a hospital setting.

Who Should Attend? This seminar will be of interest to those in arts and health project management or coordination, as well as healthcare managers or anyone involved in implementing Per Cent for Art in healthcare settings.

Booking: please email Attendance is FREE. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.

Details of a recent design strategy for the New South Glasgow Hospitals can be found at this link:  

This event is funded by the Arts Council.


Vicky Charnock has worked as Arts Coordinator at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool since 2006, where she has pioneered a nationally recognised programme which has been at the forefront of innovative practices within the arts for health sector. The programme includes the Cultural Champions partnership programme, working with the leading arts organisations within Merseyside to develop and deliver an ambitious patient centred arts programme. She has also developed innovative mentoring programme between arts and health professionals, and has a number of research specialisms such as the exploration of the effect of dance and movement upon pain tolerance. Alder Hey’s Arts for Health programme was recently awarded a prestigious NHS England Excellence in Participation Award: Children and Young People. Vicky is also part of the Strategic team for developing and delivering an ambitious arts programme for the new Alder Hey in the Park, a new state of the art children’s hospital located within parkland, the first if its kind within Europe. This has included developing a commissioning programme with artists, with young people taking a lead in the decision making and influencing design. Commissions to date have included developing an ambitious way-finding programme for the hospital and major sculptural pieces for the main atrium. Vicky has previously worked at a number of leading art galleries within the North West of England such as Cornerhouse Arts Centre in Manchester, where she developed their gallery education programme. More recently, she worked as Community Programme Curator at Tate Liverpool for five years, developing arts and health programmes which utilised the National Collection of Modern Art as well as professional development programmes for the social services, health and community sectors.

Jackie Sands is the Arts & Health Improvement Senior with the NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde. In 2005, Jackie was directly involved in the beginning of a strategic move & commitment made by NHS Greater Glasgow Health Improvement & the Arts sector for exploring ways to integrate & acknowledge the role of art & creativity in healthcare. This National pilot for Scotland was driven by acknowledgement of the growing and credible evidence base for Arts and Health which pointed to the positive and multiple impacts that the Arts and Health field was making in improvement of healthcare environments, service delivery, health outcomes, community wellbeing . Jackie’s role involves supporting and advising NHS on set up of structures and mechanisms and procurement models which lead to the integration of art in architecture, therapeutic design, facilitation of ongoing creative and performing arts exhibitions , commissions in acute hospitals and health centres. Therapeutic Design and Art Strategies have been successfully delivered in new Acute Hospitals and within new Community and Mental Health Partnership Capital developments such as The New Stobhill and Victoria Hospitals, the New Neo Natal and Maternity Extension, The New South Glasgow Hospitals currently in development; Community and child and family Health Projects in Drumchapel ( The West Centre) , Barrhead and Renfrew, the Vale and The Saracen Street Health Centres. The post is currently overseeing the development and integration of 5 more therapeutic design and art strategies in 4 New Health Centres and at an new dementia friendly in patient care unit.


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