
The North West Arts and Health Network in collaboration with Manchester School of Art, MA Health & Wellbeing Students, presents a free day event, to share your work in a critically supportive community and find out more about arts/health research and practice. This event will launch a new Arts for Health paper by Dr Rebecca Gordon-Nesbitt that explores the Long Term Health Benefits of Participating in the Arts, which considers the ways in which our health may be affected by engaging in the arts over a longer period.

Rebecca will present this international evidence base, together with a brief summary of the key studies. This research demonstrates a positive association between engagement in high-quality arts activities and life expectancy, disease resistance, mental acuity and even weight maintenance. Delegates at the event will receive a copy of the report. The event will showcase MA students explorations of the field and I hope, some international guests.

Individuals and organisations from the North West are invited to share their own work which will be presented in either a 10 minute presentation followed by a five minute discussion, or 15 minute workshop-style sessions. If you would like to share your work in a supportive environment, please email no more than a 150 word (max) synopsis outlining what you’d like to share, and in what format, to Although we won’t be able to hear from everyone who wants to present their work, we do hope to select a range of practice/contexts, and the day will offer all those present, the opportunity for facilitated open discussion and networking.

To book a place click here.

When: Thursday 12th February 2015 10:00am – 3:30pm
Where: Manchester School of Art @ MMU


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