
Image shown: Ciara McKeon I Have To Say I Have To Say performance First Fortnight festival 2015. Iage by Mark O'Connor

deAppendix is delighted to announce that its current Artist in Residence  is Ciara McKeon, a visual artist and curator whose practice focuses on live performance art. She works through the body to understand and communicate experience, utilising and developing everyday gestures and movements. She is currently researching mental health issues for economic migrants focusing on migrant suicide. This work was first shown in the First Fortnight festival in an exhibition entitled I Have To Say I Have To Say.

While at deAppendix, Ciara is developing this work to include spoken word. She is collaborating with a speech and language therapist, to examine silence and barriers to vocalisation and verbalisation. She will be working with the physicality of the voice; the lungs, diaphragm, lips, tongue, throat etc. to connect ideas of words, meaning, translation and resonation to pre-verbal embodied experience.

She will exhibit and perform at deAppendix at the end of April.

Ciara McKeon graduated from IADT with a BA(hons) in Visual Art Practices in 2011. She has performed internationally including BUZZCUT festival, Glasgow, First Fortnight festival, SPILL festival of performance, Belfast international Festival of Performance Art. She is a member of pre form and Bbeyond, Belfast. She co-curates Unit 1, an independent artist-run platform.

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