Dare we speak of the unspoken, life’s challenging frontier – unrehearsed, unknown, often imagined and widely feared? By what means, if any, might we retain some agency over the process of dying? How can art and artists begin a conversation that is often without words? Create, the national development agency for collaborative arts, seeks to provide a platform for meaningful discussion on all aspects of collaborative arts. Bealtaine Festival celebrates creativity as we age. They partner with Dublin Dance Festival to present a talk, on 28 May at 2.30pm in The Gate Lab, entitled Moving Conversations: The Art of Dying.
The talk connects to wider issues on art and society raised by Jorge León’s powerful film Before We Go, which features choreographer Meg Stuart. Artists, philosophers and end of life care specialists discuss the role of arts practice within the ethical, philosophical and practical realities of this subject. With contributions from Gary Keegan Brokentalkers, Emma O’Kane, Regina McQuillan, Dr Ruth Byrne, Chaired by Vincent Woods. See the film Before We Go at the IFI, Sun 24 May, 5pm.
Booking: http://www.dublindancefestival.ie/programme/performance/the-art-of-dying
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