International Perspectives on Arts and Health, Sharing best practice across the continents is a free seminar that takes place in Trinity Lecture Theatre, Centre for Learning, Tallaght Hospital, Dublin on Friday 29th May 2015 from 10.00 a.m. – 1.00 and hosted by the National Centre for Arts and Health. Jill Sonke, Assistant Director, and Jenny Lee Dance/Movement Therapist from University of Florida Health Shands Arts in Medicine programme, will share their high quality arts and health programme.
1000 Welcome Hilary Moss, Director of the National Centre for Arts and Health
1010 Community based art therapy for people living with chronic pain: Aimee O’Neill, Art Therapist, National Centre for Arts and Health
1030 ‘Lying in Wait’ – a visual art residency reflecting on the waiting room experience: Deirdre Glenfield, Artist in Residence, National Centre for Arts and Health
1050 Creative Arts Therapy for Rural Veterans of War via Telehealth: University of Florida Health Shands Arts in Medicine
1110 Coffee break
1130 Arts and Ebola Awareness: University of Florida Health Shands Arts in Medicine
1150 Dance/Movement Therapy: University of Florida Health Shands Arts in Medicine
1210 Personal experience: the artist and the patient: Sinead Dineen, Visual Artist from Limerick.
1230 Open discussion
100 Close
Places are free but must be booked by emailing ruththompsontallaght@gmail.com. For directions to the Centre visit www.amnch.ie. To find out more about the National Centre for Arts and Health at Tallaght Hospital please visit www.artshealthwellbeing.ie
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