
West Cork Arts Centre welcomes applications from artists of all disciplines, for a 16 week professional development opportunity working as a learner alongside an artist/musician in Clonakilty Community Hospital as part of the Arts for Health partnership programme. Deadline 23 June 2015.

The application should include:-
An up-to-date C.V., and artist’s statement (200 – 300 words)
Examples of your work in appropriate format, clearly labelled
A cover letter which clearly states the following:
1. Your specific interest in this learning opportunity/identified learning need
2. Evidence of a developing commitment to participatory practice and arts and health practice.
3. How you might seek to apply the learning in your practice

Closing date for applications is Tuesday 23 June, 2014 at 5pm. All application should be emailed to

The successful applicant must be cleared by the Garda Vetting office and available on Monday’s 9.30pm – 12.30pm to work in Clonakilty Community Hospital.

Arts for Health partnership programme is based in West Cork and provides a managed and integrated arts programme for older people in healthcare settings. Managed by West Cork Arts Centre, Arts for Health runs all year round and is delivered by team of professional artists from different disciplines. It takes place in five Community Hospitals, Bantry General Hospital Care of the Elderly Unit and five Day Care The partners comprise West Cork Arts Centre, Cork County Council, Cork Education & Training Board and the HSE. The HSE is represented through the Cork Arts + Health Programme, the Health Promotion Department, the Nursing Directors of Community Hospitals and the Day Care Centres, West Cork.


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