The Cultural Commissioning Programme is hosting a one day conference e to explore the latest academic and applied research with particular reference to the role that arts and cultural activities play in social prescribing. It will take place on 17 September 2015 from 9.30 – 4.15 in the Institute of Cultural Capital, Heseltine Institute for Public Policy and Practice, Arts & Humanities Research Council.
The free Liverpool conference will include a range of interactive workshops will introduce established arts and cultural programmes, highlighting good practice approaches in mental health and wellbeing and encouraging debate on how to most effectively commission, fund and evaluate social prescribing schemes.
This event will be valuable to public health commissioners, social care commissioners, mental health trusts, CCG commissioners, arts and cultural organisations, academics and third sector organisations developing action on mental health and wellbeing and ageing well.
The conference is delivered in partnership by NEF and academics leading the AHRC-funded Art of Social Prescribing project at Liverpool John Moores University. It is a Making Connections event, part of the Cultural Commissioning Programme, an Arts Council England funded initiative which works strategically to: support the arts and cultural sector to engage with public service commissioning; enable commissioners to develop awareness and understanding of how they can work with the arts and cultural sector to deliver public service outcomes: www.ncvo.org/CCProg . The Cultural Commissioning Programme is delivered by a partnership of NCVO , NPC and NEF.
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