
Image shown: Into the Light by Corina Duyn

Padraig Naughton, Director of Arts and Disability Ireland, will launch Into the Light, an artist book and exhibition by Corina Duyn, at Lismore Library on 24 September at 7pm.

Corina Duyn created Into the Light as a limited edition artist book-in-a-wooden-box. Each loose sheet has a short reflection on life with chronic illness and disability, although its wisdoms are also applicable to many of life’s challenges. Fear, hope, acceptance, society’s attitudes, the power of creativity and moments of gratitude are all explored. Supported by quotes from a great variety of authors, each sheet is illustrated with Duyn’s nature photographs and her imaginative art.

The project has been funded by Rehab Visual and Performing Arts Fund and Waterford Arts Publishing Fund.

Exhibition: Lismore Library, West Street Lismore, Co Waterford
Dates: 24 September – 15 October 2015


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