
Tenders are sought from suitably experienced artist-facilitators to work closely with Sligo County Council Arts Office to facilitate and administer the Arts + Health and Bealtaine Programmes. The closing date for tenders is 11 December 2015.

Sligo Arts Service began working in the area of Arts + Health and intergenerational projects in 1998 and has been regarded as a Local Authority leader in this area, working in partnership with the Arts Council and the HSE. Current arts and health projects operate out of different health care settings and some schools on an annual basis around the County. The annual Bealtaine Festival programme is an opportunity to showcase the work of the Arts and Health programme and has become a highlight in the Arts Service calendar.

The Arts and Health and Bealtaine Programmes are facilitated and administered on behalf of the Arts Service by an artist-facilitator. Tenders are sought for the role of artist-facilitator for a three-year contract, subject to annual budgets and confirmed on an annual basis.

The Role of the Artist-Facilitator involves the following skills, tasks and outputs:

  • Plan, develop and deliver arts projects for specific health-care settings and age groups with differing needs. Adapt projects to meet the needs of participating groups and contexts. Five to seven health care settings and two intergenerational projects may participate annually.
  • Consult and plan with a wide range of stakeholders including the HSE, the local authority, community leaders, arts venue directors etc.
  • In the programming, introduce a range of art forms to engage with different groups, including visual arts, theatre, dance, music, craft, creative writing, and film.
  • Ensure that a fresh approach is taken to programming each year.
  • Facilitate the recruitment of artists from the Artist Panel to work on the programme annually. Monitor the skill-base and experience of artists and arrange training where appropriate.
  • Facilitation of workshops and programmes as Lead Artist.
  • Facilitate the addition of artists to the Panel in conjunction with the Arts Office, based on selection criteria.
  • Administration tasks include planning and managing budgets, financial management, payment of artists, venues and suppliers.

Bealtaine Festival – related activity involves:

  • Arranging performances, liaising with artists and venues, organising and curating exhibitions and up to 10-15 events annually.
  • Producing a printed programme, posters or publicity leaflets and attracting media coverage.
  • Marketing the programme and individual events through mainstream and social media, direct mail, advertising, websites etc.
  • Liaising with various independent groups participating in the Bealtaine festival and offering expertise , advice and support relating to the Festival.
  • Writing, or contributing to publications related to Arts and Health, intergenerational projects and Bealtaine Festival.


This position will be offered to an independent contractor on the basis of a specified-purpose Contract for Services for 3 years from January 2016 to December 2018, including a three-month probationary period and regular performance reviews. The contract is with Sligo County Council.  The Artist-Facilitator reports to Sligo Arts Service and is expected to attend quarterly review and planning meetings with Sligo Arts Service and other meetings when necessary.

The role is active for nine months of the year on variable hours per month depending on the demands of the programme.

The successful contractor will be required to submit evidence of relevant professional indemnity and insurance details.


Please submit the following:

  • An up-to-date CV highlighting your relevant experience for this role.
  • All-inclusive quote for services including VAT, travel and expenses. Where VAT is not applicable this should be explicitly stated.
  • Tax Clearance Certificate & Company Details

Assessment Criteria

All tenders will be assessed based on the following criteria:

  • Relevant expertise and experience
  • Demonstrated track record
  • Price quoted

Evaluation of Proposals

Evaluation of proposals will be based on the ability of the applicant to deliver the outputs detailed above and on the value for money of the proposed work. Sligo County Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender, and no person making a submission will be remunerated for any trouble or expense incurred in preparing a submission.

Closing Date 

Tenders must be submitted by email in Word or PDF format only.  All tenders should contain the subject line, “ Artist-Facilitator Tender – A+H” to: Mary McDonagh, Sligo Arts Service by 11 December 2015.


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