The Twilight Programme at St. Patrick’s University Hospital will present The Jonathan Swift Walking Tour with a twist of Joyce for Bloomsday on Sunday 19 June. The tour duration is approximately 1.5 hours from 2.30pm – 4.00pm followed by refreshments in the cafe from 4.00pm – 4.30pm. Meet Sinead at the reception at 2.15pm. All welcome.
For James Joyce, Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) was the writer of the ‘best satire in world literature’ and works like his Gulliver’s Travels echo throughout Joyce’s canon and style. The atmospheric tour will explore Swift’s Dublin and his legacy to Joyce, in the environs of St Patrick’s University Hospital. The tour will feature some of the hospital’s collection of paintings, Swift’s Writing Bureau and culminate in the showing of a reconstructed patient’s cell from the 1750s; followed by tea and cake in Ridgeways Cafe.
The tour will be led by theatre maker Alice Coghlan of Wonderland Productions, who has adapted both Swift and Joyce for the stage, in collaboration with the inspirational Twilight Programme at St Patrick’s Mental Health Services. This tour will explore the Dublin of the hospital’s famous founder and his legacy.
For further information contact The Twilight Programme on 01 2493348 or e-mail
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