Members of Arts + Health Co-ordinators Ireland have organised arts and health events in their area for this years Culture Night on 16 September. Culture Night is the one night when arts and cultural organisations open their doors until late with hundreds of free events, tours, talks & performances for you, your family and friends to enjoy.
In West Cork, Artist in Residence at Uillinn, West Cork Arts Centre, Amanda Jane Graham will lead a conversation with Tom Weld exploring art and serious illness in a contemporary context at 6.30pm. This public event invites adults from all walks of life with an interest in unpicking the role of arts in addressing and expressing this human experience. To book contact Uillinn West Cork Arts Centre on 028222090 or info@westcorkarstcentre.com.
The Twilight Programme at St. Patricks Mental Health Services will host the Emerging Artists Exhibition, featuring selected artwork of recent graduates from the National College of Art & Design on show from 5pm to 7pm in the art exhibition space at St. Patricks Hospital, Dublin 8. Following this there will be an Open Mic Night in the hospital’s Lecture Hall. Hosted by cabaret diva Miss Truly Divine, the night will bring you musical, poetry and dancing delights that will make the sun come out! So bring your hat and leave your worries on the doorstep! All types of performers are welcome to attend and participate. Free parking available on site. Contact Sinead Moloney on smoloney@stpatsmail.com or Paula Higgins on phiggins@stpatsmail.com for more information.
In University Hospital Waterford, Waterford Healing Arts Trust’s Healing Sounds programme will present Harmania, a new Indie/Pop choir from Waterford that was formed in September 2015 by music teacher and performer Róisín McGrath. As the name suggests, harmony singing is central to what they do while creating arrangements of well known and some not so well known songs. Harmania will perform in the hospital foyer from 7.00pm. Contact WHAT@hse.ie for more information.
In Galway, the following events have been programmed by Galway University Hospital Arts Trust:
6.00pm University Hospital Galway Foyer
Aindrias De Staic and Friends make a Culture Night return to University Hospital Galway with an engaging melange of traditional and folk music and chat to lift the spirits. Aindrias de Staic is an actor, musician and one of a new generation of Irish storytellers. His rich and rare style of fiddle playing is as unique to the west of Ireland as his story-telling, antics and humour.
Arts Corridor UHG
If you haven’t had a chance to view the current exhibition on the Arts Corridor this is your opportunity. The exhibition titled The savage loves his native shore is by patients and staff in the dialysis unit in Merlin Park University Hospital.
Merlin Park University Hospital 6.00pm to 8.30pm
Unit 7 will open its doors on Culture Night to give staff, family and friends an opportunity to view the artwork of our participants. Having recently exhibited at Galway International Arts Festival the patients of Unit 7 will display new work on the corridor of Unit 7 for Culture Night. Artist facilitator Marielle MacLeman.
From 7.30pm Merlin Park Historical Group invites you to experience its architectural and social history which was recently featured in the Venice Biennale for Architecture and at the Galway International Arts Festival 2016. Please see poster attached for all the details.
9.30pm The Galway Ramblers
Greg Cotter, Mary Flanagan and Friends will round off the evening with music and song. Bring your dancing shoes.
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