
Image shown: Rapids. Photo credit: Hazel Coonagh and Will St Leger.

Exploring instances of disclosure and the presence of stigma in the lives of men and women who are HIV+ in Ireland today,  Rapids is a new work from Talking Shop Ensemble and Shaun Dunne that looks to playfully and respectfully make the private public. Rapids is being shown as part of this year’s Dublin Theatre Festival.

In making this piece, the company have collaborated with several groups from the HIV+ community. From young men in rural Ireland to migrant women seeking asylum, this form-flipping piece of documentary theatre will take you through the myriad of perspectives and experiences that compound what it means to live positive in this country.

Rapids will run from 10-14 October 2017 at Project Arts Centre (Cube).

Rapids is produced in association with Project Arts Centre and supported by Civic Theatre. Funded through an Arts Council Theatre Project Award.

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