The Arts Department at Cork University Hospital is currently hosting its most extensive Winter Music Season, extending to Wilton Community area, Cork City and Cork County. There are several opportunities to hear the resident Scrubs staff choir in December. Local school choirs are also visiting the hospital and musicians from Kids’ Classics will perform a concert on 20 December.
The highlight of the programme is on Tuesday 19 December with two special events:
Meet the Staff Artist
10.30am -11.30am, Gallery in the Staff Dining Room
For CUH staff
Meet the faces behind the artworks. People are often surprised to find out that a colleague they have worked with for years is a talented artist, so come along and support your colleagues and enjoy a chat and cup of tea or coffee. Some of the artworks are for sale and would make an unique Christmas gift.
CUH Christmas Concert
5-6pm, CRC Atrium
Public concert
The CUH Christmas Concert will include performances by Scrubs Choir, Lip Sync winners The Bangles and guest performers, followed by refreshments.
The full programme can be viewed here.
For further information email Edelle Nolan, CUH Arts & Health Co-ordinator: Edelle.Nolan@hse.ie
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