The Creative Well presents ‘The Collective’, a group show of works from The Open Studio, at the Riverbank Arts Centre in Newbridge from 5-26 January 2018. The Creative Well programme is an inclusive visual arts project funded by Kildare County Council Arts Service and supported by The HSE Health Promotion Unit.
Showcasing the works and talents of the artists attending the studio over the past three years, ‘The Collective’ will include a lively variety of media, makers and technique.
The exhibition will launch on 5 January at 7.30pm in the McKenna Gallery with selected artists, the curatorial team and artist Dominic Thorpe who collaborated with fellow artist Emma Finucane to develop the Open Studio model in the county.
‘This Must Be the Place’ is an arts and health residency at the Riverbank Arts Centre. Throughout 2017 and 2018, The Creative Well arts programme and Riverbank Arts Centre are opening the McKenna Gallery to explore the gallery as a space and place for making, discussion, encountering and exhibition.
The Creative Well recently featured as a case study on artsandhealth.ie:
For queries on this year’s programme, contact Carolann Courtney (Arts and Wellbeing Specialist for Co. Kildare): thecreativewellkildare@gmail.com or 083 1709589
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