The Creative Well is a visual arts and health programme that provides space and place for arts participation in many forms for all in Co. Kildare. In spring 2018, The Creative Well presents a series of workshops as part of ‘This Must Be The Place,’ a residency with Riverbank Arts Centre.
Facilitated Life Drawing Workshops
Dates: 5–10 February
Pricing: €50 for all 6 sessions / €10 per workshop
These facilitated workshops will offer you a chance to draw from live models in different spaces in the arts centre. This will be a unique opportunity to learn a new process, refresh your technique and get experience of anatomical drawing. A schedule of models and facilitators will be announced.
Facilitated Print Making Workshops
Dates: 22-24 February
Pricing: €30 for all 3 sessions / €10 per workshop
These facilitated workshops will offer you a chance to engage and develop printmaking processes under the guidance of artist and printmaker Emma Finucane. This will be a unique opportunity to learn a new process, refresh your technique and get experience of using printmaking tools and presses.
Limited space. Booking in advance is essential.
To book: Riverbank Box Office at boxoffice@riverbank.ie or 045 448327
For queries: Carolann Courtney (Arts and Wellbeing Specialist for Co. Kildare) at thecreativewellkildare@gmail.com or 083 1709589
Artist Lecture Series
Throughout 2018, The Creative Well will continue to present artist talks free of charge and open to the public in The McKenna Gallery at Riverbank Arts Centre.
The artist talks will be tailored to people who are new to contemporary art as well as those who have experience with contemporary art. These talks are planned to last for an hour with time for discussion at the end.
These talks are free but booking is essential: Riverbank Box Office at boxoffice@riverbank.ie or 045 448327
Date: 22 February, 8-9pm
Susan Connolly is a graduate of Limerick School of Art and Design, Degree in Fine Art-Painting. She holds an MFA from the University of Ulster and a first class honours MA, from NCAD, Dublin. Connolly is currently a PhD candidate at Ulster University having been awarded the VC Scholarship in 2014. Recent exhibitions include solo shows at Ashford Gallery, RHA, Dublin (2017), dlrLexicon, DunLaoghaire, Dublin (2015), The Lab, Dublin (2015) and The Sunken Gallery, The MAC, Belfast (2014). Connolly is currently a Lecturer at Ulster University and since 2006 has lectured in the Fine Art Department at Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT), she formerly lectured (LSAD), 2002-2003, and Dun Laoghaire IADT, 2006-2009.
The Creative Well recently featured as a case study on artsandhealth.ie:
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