Arts4Dementia is hosting the first UK conference on social prescribing for dementia on 16 May 2019 at the Wellcome Collection in London. The conference is aimed at GPs, social prescribers and those working with the arts, heritage, creativity, memory and care services.
- Baroness Greengross, Co-Chair, All Party Parliamentary Group on Dementia
- Alexandra Coulter, Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance
- Dr Daisy Fancourt, UCL presents cultural engagement as protection against cognitive decline
- Professor Sebastian Crutch, neuropsychologist, UCL
- Dr Michael Dixon, National Clinical Lead for Social Prescription, NHS England
Plenary Debate:
- Professor Martin Green, CEO, Care England,
- Dr James Sanderson, Director Personalised Care, NHS England,
- Dr Charles Alessi GP, Dementia Lead, Public Health England
- Janet Morrison, Chair, The Baring Foundation.
Music and Dementia 2020 & Arts for early-stage dementia:
- Poetry with Nick Makoha, Peter and June Millett
- Grace Meadows, Music for Dementia 2020
- Choir and organ, with Gemma Dixon
- Dr Sophia Hulbert and Aimee Smith, Pavilion Dance South West
Social Prescribing (Arts & Heritage) for Dementia process models, creative befrienders & training, chaired by Dr Simon Opher GP, Artlift
- Nicky Taylor, West Yorkshire Playhouse, with Leeds NHS CCG prescriber
- Kathryn Gilfoy, Resonate Arts with West London NHS CCG prescriber
- Kate Parkin, Equal Arts, Creative rRts Challenge and Creative Friends
- Launch of ArtsPALs, volunteer creative befriender consortium
- Bogdan Chiva Giurca, Founder & Chair NHS England Social Prescribing Student Champion Scheme
- Professor Helen Chatterjee on evaluation of social prescribing projects for dementia.
Further information and booking: