A CPD session for artists interested in facilitating cross-artform participatory projects in care settings for older people is taking place at The Glucksman in Cork on 8 October 2019.
Stories from the Well-Field is presented by artist Tess Leak, puppeteer Eoin Lynch, activities co-ordinator Sarah Cairns and composer Justin Grounds, drawing on their experience of developing an interactive performance with a group of residents at St Joseph’s Unit, Bantry General Hospital.
The Well-Field company will encourage participants to join them in re-creating the show, sharing how ‘the way the show was created, accessible to all our cognitive differences, meant that nothing more was required of us, only our unique selves.’
Stories from the Well-Field was supported by an Arts Council of Ireland Arts Participation Project Award, the 2018 artsandhealth.ie Documentation Bursary and is part of the Arts for Health Partnership Programme, West Cork.
This is a free event but registration is required:
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