
Image shown: Arts Ability: Airport by Mary Holohan

Image shown: Arts Ability: Airport by Mary Holohan

Wexford County Council invites tenders from professional artists in the fields of visual arts and creative writing to deliver the Arts Ability Programme from 2020-2022.

The positions include:

  • Four x lead artists (approx 8-10 hrs per week x 35 weeks per annum)
  • Four x assistant artists (approx 5 hrs per week x 12 weeks per annum)

Arts Ability is an inclusive, participatory arts programme which celebrates the artistic and creative imagination of people who experience mental health and/or intellectual, physical or sensory disabilities. Running since 2003, Arts Ability is an exemplar programme led by the Arts Office of Wexford County Council in partnership with the HSE, Wexford Mental Health Association and the partner venues.

Inbuilt into the Arts Ability Programme will be mentoring and other professional development opportunities for the artists.

Information session

To learn more about the programme and how to complete an E tender, Wexford Arts office is hosting a free information session with input from Arts Officer Liz Burns and E Tender specialist Ross McCarthy.

Venue: Wexford County Council, Carricklawn, Wexford (Block A, ground floor meeting room)
Dates: Thursday 14 November 2019
Time: 10am – 12 noon

Booking is essential to secure a place. Please RSVP

Application process

Full details on the tender and the application form are available at

Please note artists interested in applying must register with E Tenders and apply via the website for the Arts Ability programme. Applications cannot not be accepted via the Arts Office.

Deadline for applications: 20 November 2019


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