
Image shown: Residents of St. Joseph’s Shankhill at a tea party event to celebrate the Fairland Collective

Image shown: Residents of St. Joseph’s Shankhill at a tea party event to celebrate the Fairland Collective

Bealtaine is Ireland’s national festival celebrating the arts and creativity as we age. Age & Opportunity, which runs the festival, is seeking tenders from suitably qualified individuals or organisations to provide performing arts services for Bealtaine Festival between Autumn 2021 – May 2024.

Bealtaine aims to create:

  • critical opportunities for the greater participation and representation of older people in the arts;
  • arts programmes for disadvantaged older people;
  • opportunities and peer-to-peer supports for older professional artists;
  • opportunities for intergenerational exchange;
  • debate and discourse around key cultural issues impacting on older people and other opportunities to influence national and international policy.

The performing arts programmer will work with the Artistic Director of the festival to develop, manage and promote the performing arts programme of the Bealtaine Festival 2022-2025.

Interested parties should submit a proposal to Eva Griffin, Arts Programme Administrator at by 12 noon on Friday 16 July 2021. *Deadline extended to Friday 30 July 2021*

Full details of the tender are available here.


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