Image shown: Residents of St. Joseph’s Shankhill at a tea party event to celebrate the Fairland Collective
Bealtaine is Ireland’s national festival celebrating the arts and creativity as we age. Age & Opportunity, which runs the festival, is seeking tenders from suitably qualified individuals or organisations to provide performing arts services for Bealtaine Festival between Autumn 2021 – May 2024.
Bealtaine aims to create:
The performing arts programmer will work with the Artistic Director of the festival to develop, manage and promote the performing arts programme of the Bealtaine Festival 2022-2025.
Interested parties should submit a proposal to Eva Griffin, Arts Programme Administrator at arts@ageandopportunity.ie by 12 noon on Friday 16 July 2021. *Deadline extended to Friday 30 July 2021*
Full details of the tender are available here.
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