
Early career researchers, practitioner researchers and postgraduate students are invited to submit an abstract to present their work at the Singing For Health Research Conference, taking place online on 18 February 2022.

This conference aims to bring together some leaders in Singing for Health research to share their expertise and experiences in line with the theme of ‘insights and innovations’. The conference is a partnership between the Voice Study Centre, the Singing for Health Network, Royal College of Music, York St John’s University, University of Limerick and University College London.

This event marks a unique time when Singing for Health has become increasingly popular and more mainstream, especially in light of Covid-19.  Initiatives such as the BLF’s Singing for Lung Health programme and Sing to Beat Parkinson’s, along with the Social Prescribing movement, highlight the need for research and practice in Singing for Health to be celebrated, shared and discussed.

Who is the conference for?
It will be of interest to students, researchers, healthcare professionals and singing practitioners as well as those interested in Singing for Health research and practice.


  • Dr Stephen Clift (previous Director of the Sidney de Haan Centre at Canterbury Christchurch University and guest Professor at York St John’s University) will reflect on the developments in Singing for Health research over the past two decades since his flagship study with Grenville Hancoxin 2001.
  • Dr Dave Camlin (Royal College of Music and Trinity Laban) will be highlighting some of his innovative approaches to research as a practitioner researcher.
  • Mette Kaasagaard (Aarhus University, Denmark) will present, for the first time, findings from her PhD research on singing for lung health versus pulmonary rehabilitation.
  • Dr Hilary Moss (University of Limerick) will join the key speakers for a panel discussion chaired by Thomas Kador (Senior Lecturer in Creative Health at UCL).

Abstract submissions 
Researchers are invited to submit an abstract application to have an opportunity to present research alongside the key speakers. There are six slots available and applications will be scored anonymously.

Deadline for submission
Monday 3 January 2022 by 9am

Further information and submission guidelines:


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