Tuesdays 19 April, 17 May, 19 July,
20 September, 22 November 2022
From 10.30am to 12pm:
Butler Gallery,
The Azure tours at Butler Gallery in Kilkenny are designed for people living with Alzheimer’s and Dementia and their families and supporters. These free tours provide an opportunity to explore artworks from the Butler Gallery collections and exhibitions with a facilitator trained in dementia-inclusive art programmes.
What to Expect
Trained facilitators create a safe and welcoming environment that encourages conversation, where each person gets to enjoy the engagement at their own pace and in their own way. Participants can expect a seated tour of the gallery with time given to experiencing a selection of work from an exhibition. The tour ends with a cup of tea or coffee in the Butler Gallery café, situated beside the main gallery.
The group session is limited to eight people and two Butler Gallery facilitators.
The Azure Tours take place on Tuesdays from 10.30am to 12pm:
19 April, 17 May, 19 July, 20 September, 22 November 2022
Butler Gallery is a founding member of the Azure Programme, a partnership to explore the potential for greater participation of people with dementia in cultural settings in Ireland. Butler Gallery began programming for people living with dementia in 2012, when the Azure programme was piloted. Azure is inspired by the ‘Meet me at MoMA’ programme making art accessible to people with dementia, which is based at New York’s Museum of Modern Art. Azure was co-founded by Butler Gallery, the Alzheimer Society of Ireland, Age & Opportunity and the Irish Museum of Modern Art.
Bookings and further information
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