The national arts and health website is delighted to announce that we will be offering two bursaries in 2022, funded by the Arts Council and the HSE. The documentation bursary will support the production of a short film, audio documentary or publication about an arts and health project. The emerging artist reflective bursary is available for an early-career artist to reflect on their arts and health practice. Applications are now open for both bursaries with a closing date of Friday 10 June 2022.
Are you involved in an arts and health project? Would you like to showcase your work to a larger audience?
The national arts and health website invites applications for a €4000 bursary to produce a short film, audio documentary or publication about an arts and health project.
Applications are invited from artists working in healthcare settings, healthcare professionals, arts and health organisations/partnerships and others working in the field of arts and health.
The documentation bursary aims to:
This bursary is applicable to the documentation of arts and health projects across all artforms and arts practice areas (participatory arts, performance arts, environmental enhancement initiatives) in the Republic of Ireland.
The documentation bursary was paused in 2020 and 2021 due to the unique challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic in delivering and documenting arts experiences for healthcare communities. Many arts and health projects continue to use remote forms of engagement in line with Covid-related restrictions in healthcare settings. Applicants will therefore need to demonstrate how they intend to document their work considering these shifts in practice and ongoing health and safety measures.
Application process
Download the application form, eligibility criteria and FAQs here: https://www.artsandhealth.ie/assets/uploads/2022/04/Application-form-artsandhealth.ie-documentation-bursary-2022.docx
Professional artists with an emerging arts and health practice are invited to apply for the artsandhealth.ie artist bursary 2022 to reflect on their practice.
The artist bursary was first introduced in 2020 in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and curtailment of arts programming in health settings. Artists continue to show great resolve and imagination in developing arts experiences for healthcare communities at a time when in-person engagement is often still not possible.
Early-career artists working in healthcare contexts are not always afforded the same opportunities to reflect on and interrogate their practice as their more experienced peers. This new bursary is purposely designed to provide early-career artists with the headspace for reflective enquiry as they develop and shape their arts and health practice.
The bursary is open to individual early-career artists working in any artform within the field of arts and health practice in the Republic of Ireland.
The bursary awardee will share learning arising from the bursary with the wider arts and health community via artsandhealth.ie. How this learning is presented is at the discretion of the selected artist.
One bursary award of €2000 will be offered to the successful applicant.
Application process
Download the application form, eligibility criteria and FAQs here: https://www.artsandhealth.ie/assets/uploads/2022/04/Application-Form-artsandhealth.ie-emerging-artist-bursary-2022.docx
The closing date for both bursary awards is Friday, 10 June 2022 at 12pm.
artsandhealth.ie is the national website for arts and health in Ireland, managed by Waterford Healing Arts Trust. The artsandhealth.ie 2022 bursaries are funded by the HSE and the Arts Council.
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