
The Age & Opportunity Creative Ageing Writing Bursary supports artists, writers, and arts workers in reflecting on the arts and ageing in Ireland.

To mark the 30th anniversary of the Bealtaine Festival, Age & Opportunity is commissioning an essay exploring the learnings, challenges, and insights from the past 30 years. The bursary is open to practising artists as well as those interested in contributing to this discussion.

This reflection can include the learnings, insights but also challenges faced by the arts and ageing sector, or in relation to their own practice in their work with older people over the last 30 years.

The essay is intended to be useful for people who work with or are thinking of working with older people (including older artists), while generating discussion and debate about this area of work.

12 March 2025, at 12pm.

For full details and to apply, visit:


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