The Sing for Memory singing groups in Kilkenny and Carlow are for any person with a diagnosis of Dementia / Alzheimer’s and their family / loved ones, and carers. The aim of the singing groups is to create a supportive, relaxed social space for people with dementia to meet and to promote a sense of inclusion, togetherness, achievement and self-worth.
The singing groups form part of Living Artfully, a Creative Ireland Project in Carlow-Kilkenny which aims to support health and wellbeing through creativity.
Rhythm and music are skills that are retained in later stages of dementia. People with dementia can struggle with every day memory but musical memories are often preserved in people with dementia because key brain areas linked to musical memory are relatively undamaged. Music and singing help to lift mood, provide cognitive stimulation and support social interaction.
The singing groups are an opportunity for people with dementia to engage in a meaningful activity with their loved ones or carers.
For information on the Kilkenny Singing Group, contact Kairen Waloch: 086-3262844.
For information on the Carlow Singing Group, contact Marian Gaynor: 087-6689943.
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